Gmail Send emails using Gmail API advanced services in Apps Script Use the build-in Apps Script methods to send emails using Gmail API.
Tips Programmatically handle long running tasks in Apps Script An approach to process hundreds of thousands of rows of data (say, on Google Sheets) without running into the script execution timeout error.
Solutions [Workaround] An alternate to displaying more than 100 widgets/sections. Working around the 100-widget limit in Card Services, used when building Workspace Add-ons.
OAuth2 Generate code verifier & challenge for OAuth2 with PKCE using Google Apps Script Here's how you can generate a cryptographically random code verifier, hash it using SHA256 & derive it's BASE64 encoded challenge in Google Apps Script.
Solutions Get the redirect location of a URL using Google Apps Script Have a list of shortened URLs and need their final destination? Use this Custom Function in Google Sheets to extract them all at once.
Solutions Using UrlFetchApp.fetch vs. fetchAll in Google Apps Script Make multiple, asynchronous API calls simultaneously using UrlFetchApp.fetchAll in Apps Script.
Add-on Count von Count — a Google Workspace Add-on built using Apps Script A global counter that summarises accessible stats about different Workspace services.
Classroom Automating attendance recorder in Google Classroom using Apps Script Programatically create multiple questions in Google Classroom using Apps Script.
Calendar Trigger automated meeting invite reminders using Apps Script Send a follow-up email to all undecided participants of a meeting that you've scheduled via Google Calendar using Apps Script.
Tips Iterate ~80x faster through spreadsheet using map function in Apps Script Use array map method instead of "for" loops to iterate faster through 2-dimensional spreadsheet data.
Tips Log and analyse your Google Apps Script execution stats Capture, log and analyse Google Apps Script execution stats using REST APIs, Sheets and Data Studio.
Tips How to use Google Apps Script REST API from browser editor A quick tutorial on switching GCP projects, configuring OAuth consent screen and using Google Apps Script REST API from its browser editor.
Web App How to debug a web app deployed using Google Apps Script A guide to test doGet and doPost functions, instead of deploying them over and again when any changes are made to the apps script.
Tips Build a real-time dashboard (web app) using API Polling is bad, period. Falling short of integrating web sockets, this solution comes close to streaming live data.
Web App Autocomplete drop-down options from spreadsheet data Use spreadsheet data to autocomplete Materialize CSS chips & select components using Apps Script.
Tips Bypass script execution timeout, programmatically Does your script exceed maximum execution time? Here's a solution to automatically bypass that.
Tips Disassociate Scripts from Sheets... and other tools Using Google Apps Scripts does not always mean that it would have something to do with Google Sheets.