Year in review (2020)

in case you haven't already read it, here's where you can find my 2019 review ⬅️
this year's highlight though: 🎉 becoming a google developer expert in g suite (now, google workspace) definitely sits squarely on the top of all things on my list 😇 — also marks the first time i created a moment on twitter!

💭 let's go chronological this year:
- published my first google sheets add-on - i can't believe that so far, it's already had 44,000+ folks using it 🤯
- officially participated as an actual coder in a hackathon (hosted at exotel) - built statistix (aka conversational stats — a way to talk to your data) with arjun mahishi
- pre-pandemic, tried to build a community / meet-up group for folks interested in apps script and gave my first talk where (surprise, surprise) I was the only participant & audience for the most part 😅
- this right here is definitely one of those things that i failed to accomplish the way i inteded to. the idea behind it all was to meet people in-person and help them automate stuff - my organizing and community building skills online have clearly been proven inadequate, but i'm learning!
- outside of the apps script realm - created & published my very first api 🔥 using firebase, vs code and postman
- gave 3 more talks this year 🚀
- highlight: presented rapid prototyping — fail-fast while building business-first, zero-cost solutions with apps script at devfest 2020 hosted by gdg uk & ireland
- shared a stage with some amazing folks from the apps script community - thanks again martin hawksey for hosting us all on totally unscripted 🙏🏽
Ha, @schoraria911 is my kind of guy. "I just get in there and answer people's questions even if I don't know if I'm right." He also love Spreadsheets :)
— Alice Keeler (@alicekeeler) November 5, 2020
Totally Unscripted the #GoogleAppsScript Community show @mhawksey @SteveWebster22 @chasmaxson
thanks to charles maxson, ending the year with having been featured on the official google dev blog with some of the superheroes of the workspace gde community and to steve bazyl for accepting my pr towards the workspace solutions gallery.
on the personal front, i -
- ⚡️ joined rows (formerly dashdash) as a no-code builder - and found some passionate people in the spreadsheet business
- started buying a lot of domains (again) — that's right, you're looking at the proud owner of
😛 (it really is a thing),
among a bunch of others - brushed-up on my keynote skills; as a design illiterate, working on creating videos and animations has been a real learning
- thanks to the pandemic, spent a ton 💰 on building a decent work-setup at home: purchased a new mac, cooling pad, standing desk (which i broke an no longer have), wireless keyboard, mouse & headphones, a friggin' ring light, exchanged my old iphone se for the new one – i admit, the iphone, i could do without but i simply couldn't resist 😅

as of my plans for 2021, i still don't have everything structured but i do hope to be able to get the following done -
- publish 1 google workspace add-on - the one i did previously was an editor add-on)
- build 1 new data studio community connector (hopefully one with oauth 🤞🏾) - i'm running out of brags from the last one 😛
- connect more with people. spend a little more time exploring communities that need help with spreadsheets, automations, apps script and perhaps all-things no-code/low-code (nclc)
- blog more, restart contributing on stack overflow & maybe give building the local community for folks interested in apps script a go again 💪🏽