List all functions used on a Google Sheet using Apps Script

Quickly list all the functions being used in a spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. Parse function names from complex / nested formulas too.

List all functions used on a Google Sheet using Apps Script
Photo by Pankaj Patel / Unsplash


Recently, I had the need to detect all the functions being used on a spreadsheet and after looking for a solution online, found a VBA Macro to run on the Excel version of the file and after having done so on my MacBook Pro 2019, ran into a bit of a snag where I eventually had to force quit the application.

Also couldn't find a simple Google Apps Script code that could help with that and figured, I'd just give it a shot (assuming others might find it handy someday 🤞🏾)


RegEx to parse function names from a spreadsheet cell


I created 2 functions and added 1 variation like so —

  1. getFunctionsPerSheet method which lists a unique set of functions being used per page & getFunctions which simply fetches a unique list of functions being used across the entire workbook
  2. I've also added a toggle to write the list of functions on a new sheet too via ADD_DATA_TO_SHEET variable — default is set to false so you'll need to manually change it to true in case you wish to have the data being produced by the script written on a new sheet

Here's the getFunctions method —

const ADD_DATA_TO_SHEET = false;

function getFunctions() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const sheets = ss.getSheets();
  let functions = [];
  sheets.forEach(sheet => {
    let formulas = sheet.getDataRange().getFormulas();

    // flatten 2D array
    formulas = [].concat(...formulas).filter(Boolean);

    formulas.forEach(el => {
      const values = el ? el.match(/\b(\w+)\(/gm) : null;
      if (values) {

        // new Set() is used to remove duplicates
        [ Set(values.toString().replace(/\(/gm, "").split(","))]
          .forEach(func => functions.push(func));

  functions = [ Set(functions)];

    const rowData = [];
    functions.forEach(func => rowData.push([func]));
    ss.insertSheet().setName(`Functions | ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`)
      .getRange(2, 1, rowData.length, 1).setValues(rowData);

Get a list of all functions from a spreadsheet

And here's the getFunctionsPerSheet method —

const ADD_DATA_TO_SHEET = false;

function getFunctionsPerSheet() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const sheets = ss.getSheets();
  let functions = [];
  sheets.forEach(sheet => {
    const sheetName = sheet.getSheetName();
    let formulas = sheet.getDataRange().getFormulas();

    // flatten 2D array
    formulas = [].concat(...formulas).filter(Boolean);

    formulas.forEach(el => {
      const values = el ? el.match(/\b(\w+)\(/gm) : null;
      if (values) {

        // new Set() is used to remove duplicates
        [ Set(values.toString().replace(/\(/gm, "").split(","))]
          .forEach(func => functions.push([func, sheetName]));

  functions = Array.from(new Set(, JSON.parse);

    ss.insertSheet().setName(`Functions | ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`)
      .appendRow(["Function", "Sheet name"])
      .getRange(2, 1, functions.length, 2).setValues(functions);

New learnings

  1. Learnt that one could filter empty elements from an array by just using BOOLEAN within the .filter() array method 🤯
  2. S/O to folks at for this amazing article about Removing Duplicate Arrays from an Array of Arrays (can also be referred as 2D arrays, maybe?)